imima Mineral Lick Herbal Block

imima Mineral Lick Herbal Block
imima Mineral Lick Herbal Block
imima Mineral Lick Herbal Block
This herbal block is enriched with special bitter herbs and thus naturally strengthens the intestinal environment against worm infestation. In addition to salt and trace elements, the herbal block contains certain herbs that make the intestinal environment unfriendly for worms due to their high content of bitter and tanning substances. In wild species, these substances, which are absorbed through plants and herbs, help to prevent excessive or pathological worm infestation through healthy nutrition. Therefore, in order to have less reason for chemical worming treatments, the animals' intestines should be strengthened and supported with appropriate herbs. This herbal block is doping-free according to the Anti-Doping and Medication Control Regulation (ADMR) of the German Equestrian Federation (FN). Weight: 3 kg.

Manufacturer Information:

Brandname: imima
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